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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sea Turtles!!

Last night we did something really really awesome. Sunday I got a message from lady in our co-op that the state park was doing a turtle nest inventory. We had never been to one, honestly we didn't even know what it was about, but we figured it would be something interesting and possibly informative.
Little did we know that we were going to be watching the people assist baby sea turtles get from their nest to the ocean. I got a couple of pictures. Noah and Abigail (and Daddy) loved watching what was going on. They want to go back when there is another one. They are also talking about becoming volunteers at the state park so they can take part in things like this. My kids love the outdoors so much that I can't seen anything but positives about this! Other than that, things are pretty smooth around here right now. The kids are doing school while I am work, if they need help Scott helps them, then I check over everything when I get home to make sure everything is right! I am planning a week at a time right now and it seems to be working well for us. Its safe to say that we have found our groove!!!!
Okay enough babbling, on to the pictures of baby sea turtles!!

Okay first up ^ this picture is of two turtle eggs. The one on the left is an egg from which a turtle has hatched. On the right is an egg that hasn't hatched. It was really interesting with the eggs, but it was soft and kind of squishy. Which amazed me considering the amount of sand that these little things are buried under.

This is the first little turtle that was saved. The workers were so careful with the little guy too. They wore rubber gloves and gently laid him in the bucket and then let everyone take a peek in at him. So tiny compare to how big they get! 

 These are the two turtles that were found in the one nest they were inventorying. The little guy at the bottom had a flipper that didn't seem to be working properly, so they helped him out by putting him directly in the water instead of making him "walk" the beach to the ocean. The other little dude they put him on the beach once everyone had gotten a look at him and let him walk to the ocean. They took great care of making sure that noone moved too close to him, and kept seagulls away from him til he got in the ocean. The last picture here is probably my favorite because it shows the little guy running to the ocean! I hope that he lives a very long life! And all I can keep thinking of right now is of Crush from Nemo talking about how the little dudes make their way back to the ocean all by themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool experience! I would LOVE to see something like that.

    I would love it if you would share this post on field trip friday. Here is a link to this week's: http://allboyhomeschool.blogspot.com/2012/08/field-trip-friday-asheville-botanical.html Hope you will join me!
